Air fuel ratio control valveVL-2R-CMAP
The VL-2R-CMÀP is a particular kind of modulating valve with mîcro-
metric adjustable port. It's designed for air and gas flow régulation
in low & médium pressure lines. The flow can be adjusted by opera-
ting on the primary régulation shaft with an electric control equip-
ment (ECON-0 séries). À graduated index on the valve body identi-
fies the OPEN/CLOSED position. The port of the valve can be adfusted
by the secondary régulation screw. In this way, a more accu rate flow
régulation is possible. Die cams & auxiliary end switches calibration
has to be ma de after the installation and it's important to verify it
Gas solenoid valve,เบิร์นเนอร์,Bunner,เครื่องพ่นไฟ,Burner Gas,เตาหลอม,เตาอบ,เบิร์นเนอร์แก๊ส,Burner,หัวพ่นไฟ,วาล์ว ก๊าส
The VL-2R-CMÀP is a particular kind of modulating valve with mîcro-
metric adjustable port. It's designed for air and gas flow régulation
in low & médium pressure lines. The flow can be adjusted by opera-
ting on the primary régulation shaft with an electric control equip-
ment (ECON-0 séries). À graduated index on the valve body identi-
fies the OPEN/CLOSED position. The port of the valve can be adfusted
by the secondary régulation screw. In this way, a more accu rate flow
régulation is possible. Die cams & auxiliary end switches calibration
has to be ma de after the installation and it's important to verify it
Gas solenoid valve,เบิร์นเนอร์,Bunner,เครื่องพ่นไฟ,Burner Gas,เตาหลอม,เตาอบ,เบิร์นเนอร์แก๊ส,Burner,หัวพ่นไฟ,วาล์ว ก๊าส