GX,GX STEAM BOILER,3 pass steam boiler.Three pass steam boiler,บอยเลอร์,หม้อไอน้ำ,หม้อต้มน้ำ,เครื่องกำเนิดไอน้ำ
1700 ÷ 25000 kg/h
Design pressure : 12 bar or 15 bar
Three pass steam boiler. Monobloc unit with excellent performance
and advanced technical solutions . The boiler is horizontal,
three pass, wetback packaged type.
GX,GX STEAM BOILER,3 pass steam boiler.Three pass steam boiler,บอยเลอร์,หม้อไอน้ำ,หม้อต้มน้ำ,เครื่องกำเนิดไอน้ำ
1700 ÷ 25000 kg/h
Design pressure : 12 bar or 15 bar
Three pass steam boiler. Monobloc unit with excellent performance
and advanced technical solutions . The boiler is horizontal,
three pass, wetback packaged type.